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Natürlicher Wasserfall

"How does a Community stay togehter throughout crisis? How much griefwork need a team to thrive."

Are you a community, company or organization and want to learn about griefwork, or even want to create a culture where Grief and Loss become something what is acknowledged? 

I am offering support for small communities up to 500, companies and Organizations cross culture. If you would like a support beyond 500, please reach out to me.



“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” Rainer Maria Rilke

Grief is a profound human experience that affects individuals in various ways, and it's not confined to personal realms but extends into organizational and community settings as well. In both contexts, addressing grief can be pivotal for building resilience and fostering stability.

In organizations and companies, grief can arise from various sources such as the loss of a colleague, a business setback, or even personal struggles of employees affecting their work. When left unaddressed, grief can hinder productivity, dampen morale, and create a sense of instability within the organization. Recognizing and supporting individuals through their grief can not only help them cope but also strengthen the organization as a whole.

One way organizations can address grief is by fostering a culture of openness and support. Encouraging employees to share their struggles and offering avenues for support, whether through counseling services or employee resource groups, creates a sense of community and belonging. When individuals feel supported, they are more likely to navigate their grief in a healthy manner and maintain their productivity.

Moreover, organizations can leverage the collective strength of their community to help individuals facing grief. This can involve organizing support groups or initiatives where colleagues come together to share experiences, offer comfort, and provide practical assistance. By acknowledging grief as a shared experience, organizations can create a sense of solidarity and resilience that helps everyone cope better with adversity.

On the other hand, organizations can also play a vital role in providing stability for individuals facing loss. Flexible work arrangements, compassionate leave policies, and accommodations for employees going through difficult times can ease the burden of grief and allow individuals the space they need to heal. By demonstrating empathy and understanding, organizations show their commitment to the well-being of their employees and build trust and loyalty in return.

Additionally, weaving stability into the organizational fabric involves long-term planning and support mechanisms. This could include offering grief counseling services, training managers to recognize and support grieving employees, and creating rituals or memorials to honor those who have been lost. These efforts not only help individuals through their immediate grief but also contribute to a culture of care and resilience that permeates the organization.

In the broader community, similar principles apply. Whether it's a neighborhood, a religious congregation, or a social group, communities can serve as pillars of support for those experiencing grief. By providing avenues for connection, understanding, and practical assistance, communities can help individuals navigate their grief while also strengthening bonds and fostering resilience.

Ultimately, addressing grief in both organizational and community settings is about recognizing the human experience and the importance of supporting one another through life's challenges. By coming together in times of loss, we not only find strength and stability but also reaffirm the bonds that unite us as individuals and as a collective.

“Most of us have been displaced from those cultures of origin, a global diaspora of refugees severed not only from land, but from the sheer genius that comes from belonging in symbiotic relation to.”

Tyson Yunkaporta

"How do we become seasoned adults, a true human being? This is not a given. Traditionally this was the work of culture. Through the long labors of multiple initiations, individuals were gradually crafted into persons of substance and gravity. The process yielded someone more attuned to responsibilities than rights, more aware of multiple entanglements than entitlements. They were initiated into a vast sea of intimacies; with the village, star clusters and gnarled old oaks, the pool of ancestors and the scented earth."

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